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A S B E S T O S   R E M O V A L

Founded in 1984 Yankee Fiber Control, Inc. was the first licensed asbestos abatement contractor in the state of RI and now services all of the United States. Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring heat resistant minerals that separate into very fine yet extremely durable fibers. Until the 1970’s asbestos was extensively used in a wide variety of products particularly in the ship, building and construction industries.

Asbestos tends to break down into a dust of microscopic size fibers that are disbursed into the air and easily inhaled or ingested. It is well known today that human exposure to asbestos fibers poses serious and possibly lethal health risks. In recent years, many state and federal agencies have enacted strictly enforced asbestos abatement regulations due to the hazardous nature of airborne asbestos fibers.

Common Asbestos Containing Products Include:
  • Cement, Asphalt & Plaster
  • Vinyl Floor Tiles & MasticAcoustic Tiles & Ceilings
  • Transite & Insulation
  • Pipes & Air Ducts
  • Industrial Coatings
  • Siding & Shingles
  • Automobile Parts
  • Furnaces & Boilers
  • Heaters & Appliances
Yankee Fiber Asbestos Removal Solutions
Yankee Fiber Control has the expertise and technology to remove asbestos from a wide range of buildings and structures while strictly observing all mandated safety guidelines. We use a variety of cost-effective methods to remove asbestos contaminated materials efficiently with minimal disruption to daily operations and without risk to human health or the environment.

Yankee experts will evaluate your specific asbestos removal needs and develop an appropriate abatement plan to be performed in a fully contained negative-pressure environment that releases no asbestos fibers into the air. We utilize advanced diesel-powered HEPA-filtered vacuum systems, which allow us to remove up to 18 tons of asbestos waste an hour, in conjunction with other techniques that may include: low-volume pressure washing (10,000psi), UHP water jetting (40,000psi), or contained specialty blasting.

Our automated TileLift equipment provides a cost-effective mechanical means of removing vinyl asbestos floor tiles. This system employs infrared/radiant heat to soften the tile and the mastic-bonding agent underneath so that tiles gently peel off the floor intact. Since removal of intact vinyl asbestos tiles is not regulated, it can be performed without costly containment procedures and, depending on the state, without waiting for regulatory notification.
Asbestos Health Concerns

Asbestos exposure is hazardous and poses major health concerns although symptoms may not appear for 10-40 years. There is no known “safe level” of exposure however; the risk of contracting an asbestos related illness is higher with greater and longer exposure. There are three major diseases associated with exposure to asbestos:
  • Asbestosis – A lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers which results in irritation and scarring of the lungs, eventually effecting lung function.
  • Lung Cancer – People with long-term exposure to high levels of asbestos are particularly susceptible to cancer of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mesothelioma – A rare form of cancer that normally effects the lungs and is almost-always caused by exposure to asbestos. For more information on Mesothleioma please visit

Photo Gallery
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Removing asbestos and lead paint from building exterior

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Removing asbestos and lead paint from building exterior

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Removing asbestos from power facility

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Asbestos and lead paint removal from 250 ft chimney stack

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Asbestos and lead paint removal from 250 ft chimney stack

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Vinyl asbestos tiles with multiple layers

Did You Know...?
  • Asbestos was commonly used in building and industrial applications until the 1970’s.
  • Asbestos was used extensively due to its strength, durability and resistance to heat.
  • The average human hair is 1200 times thicker than an asbestos fiber.
  • Symptoms of Asbestos related disease generally do not appear for 10-40 years after exposure.
  • Asbestosis, Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma are the 3 major illnesses associated with asbestos exposure.
  • Current law requires that no visible emissions of dust be allowed during removal, transportation and disposal of asbestos containing materials.
  • Asbestos removal must conform to strict hazardous waste disposal regulations.